What We Are Watching

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I've Made a Huge Tiny Mistake

Arrested Development came back last night and man, I love this show. I feel like gushing about it and begging people to watch it is so uncalled for though...I'm beginning to see that almost half of what is so damned funny is only funny if you've watched it before. But then the other half of what's funny is worth it too. I just feel like a new viewer wouldn't get why I laugh my ass off at it so much.

So, the best parts? Was it Michael waking up next to his son, George Michael, in the cabin as it was being towed away by his father, still in his Blue Man Group makeup?
Was it Tobais, trying to prove to his wife that he was worth her coming back to him, by kissing Henry Winkler dressed up as a member of Blue Man Group?

I think it's gotta be the whole George Michael loves Maybae (his cousin but not genetically) who's finally in love with him but still makes out with Steve Holt, who she doesn't know is also her cousin (again, not genetically).
My only complaint? Not enough Buster. Though Buster's one big line was good ("I came out to the car to sleep because I didn't want my snoring to bother you. I left a tape of my snoring in my bed so you wouldn't notice I was gone.")

I heart Buster.


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