What We Are Watching

Friday, May 19, 2006

Two Series Finales

I watched the finales of two shows I haven't really watched all that consistently in a long time: Will & Grace and That 70's Show.

First up : 70's.

Yeah, that show shoulda ended when Topher left. Topher brought the extra something to it that made it more than just a really lame sitcom. So while most of the hour focused on wrapping up the lives of his friends you never really got into, I was just waiting for Eric to show up again. Even the appearance of Kelso didn't really pick up the humor much. And in the end, predictably, Eric returned, he and Donna made up on the hood of the car in the driveway and the 70's ended. Do Eric and Donna last forever? Probably.

Then I switched over to Will & Grace. I knew from all the publicity that they were going to flash the storylines ahead a bit and I knew that they really had to. The problem with this show for me has always been that Will & Grace were never growing. They constantly used their relationship as a crutch to avoid a romantic relationship - at least they had each other, right? So to go from that for 8 years, to suddenly having resolution, they did needed to forward the story a bit.

What I wasn't prepared for was how quickly they did it. One minute it's 2 years later and the next, it's 20 years. Still, they had me until the last commercial break. That's when they came back and we found Jack and Karen and Rosie living together and suddenly Jack and Karen were singing to each other. Huh? That turned into Will and Grace planning the wedding of their children then meeting for a drink at a bar with Jack and Karen, then clinking glasses and turning back the clock to the present.

I guess I'm just a girl who prefers that the Friends went off to the coffee shop at the end...life went on without wrapping it up.
Don't know. Something just didn't feel right about the last ten minutes. Perhaps they could have left it that Will & Grace had a 20 year break and found each other again, without that bar scene. And as lovely as Megan Mullaly sings, I just don't get why they burst into song like that.


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