What We Are Watching

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Double the Pleasure, Double the Trump!

Last night we had two all-new episodes of the Apprentice. Ho-hum. I think they seriously need to overhaul the tasks they give these people.

First up: re-do a rec room at a Boys and Girls Club with supplies from Ace Hardware (of course). Lenny was the losing PM because 1) he's hardheaded and won't listen to brainstorming and 2) he spent all his money on expensive music equipment that only some kids will be into. And then of course there's 3) he can't defend himself out of a paper bag, let alone a firing in Trump's boardroom. Lenny didn't even get a chance to bring people back to the boardroom; Trump just up and fired him.

Second Episode: Something disgusting involving some sort of 7-11 pizza sandwich that you couldn't pay me to eat. Leslie got the boot because she set the price point too high even though she was the better PM and her team functioned better; she lost to the other team because the price was too high. Lee proved to be annoying.


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