Why I Love Chris Hansen
In case you haven't caught the multiple repeats of Dateline: To Catch A Predator, I love Chris Hansen because of the following quote:
"You're naked, chasing a cat, you've got Cool Whip..."
"You're naked, chasing a cat, you've got Cool Whip..."
Those shows are so fascinating!
It baffles me why the guys continue to talk to him, even when they know who he is.
It is also pretty scary.
By Simba's Mom, at 5:48 PM
It's disgusting and scary and I hesitated to admit to being entertained by the above comment because really, that guy was sick!
Still, Chris Hansen rules.
J and I also can't imagine why people continue to talk to him. Though I suppose in the future, they'll know it postpones the inevitable arrest at least...
By B, at 10:41 PM
Aaaah , for the same reason people get caught by 60 Minutes....and those guys have been on FOREVER!
There is a mysterious gene in the human brain that tells a lot of people "I won't get caught".
In most people the gene disappears after puberty....but in some, it liles forever!
By Random Musings, at 10:23 AM
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