What We Are Watching

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Bowl: The Ads

Or, according to the husband, the only real reason to watch. I married me a football fan I tell you (how else do you explain his four years at a football school yet the first time in the stadium for him as a student was graduation?).

So far the only ad that I reacted to at all was the Magic Refrigerator one.

The hubby has given up and is listening to his iPod shuffle while doing dishes.

SuperBowl...your ads, they suck.


  • I thought the Ameriquest one was funny....just proves I have a sick sense of humor. The one with the players practicing the "I'm going to Disneyland" was a bit trite. They have hyped the commercials so much that they can't possibly measure up. And really it isn't about the game, its' about the HYPE!
    And the parties. And the media.

    By Blogger Random Musings, at 8:59 PM  

  • I thought that the Disney one was cute.

    By Blogger B, at 11:01 PM  

  • I loved the Ameriquest ones, the cavemen for Fedex made me burst out laughing...magic fridge, very cute!

    By Blogger Judi B, at 2:04 AM  

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