What We Are Watching

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Let Me Try Brookstone

I forgot how funny The Office is until I watched the new episode tonight and ended up with tears in my eyes.

It's several months after The Kiss and Jim's transferred to Scranton. That doesn't stop him from tormenting Dwight though.
Pam and Roy broke up but Roy's trying to win her back. Ryan's got Jim's old job so he's not an intern. And Dwight and Michael. They discover that Oscar is gay and that's what the episode is mostly about. Michael of course deals with homosexuality in the most correct terms possible. Yeah right.

Best Joke: Dwight and Michael remember Jim saying you can get a Gaydar on the web somewhere. They call Jim up but he tells them they can get it at Sharper Image and he'll check for them -- "Oh, it's sold out."

Then at the end of the episode, Dwight receives a package from Jim. It's a Gaydar. It has "homo" and "hetero" labels on each end and comes with headphones. Dwight tries it out on Oscar by scanning over his body and when he gets to his belt, the beep goes off. So Dwight says "It works!"

Then he tries it on himself. It goes off on him, too.

Crying. I was crying I tell you.


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