I got your bogus in a bag and it's zip-locked shut
Lorelei's story was basically that she helped Christopher by taking care of Gigi who is a terror. Zzzzzzz.
Zach realized he needed to get the band back together so he hunted down Sebastian Bach at a bar mitzvah, where the first awesomeness happened - the man was singing some Hollaback Girl. He and Brian agreed to give Zach and the band a second chance as long as Lane was their drummer. So Zach went and proposed to Lane in the middle of Luke's and she accepted.
Rory had most of the story tonight. She participated in a forum on journalism and kicked some bootie. But Logan's sister was getting married and when Rory ended up hanging with the bridesmaids, she found out he's slept with 3 out of 4 of them, all during the time the show was off the air this Christmas. Ew. Ew to sleeping with the brother of any of my friends and ew to my brother sleeping with my friends. Ew ew ew.
He tried to play the Ross/Rachel "WE WERE ON A BREAK" card but dude, we watched the show. You never broke up with her! She found out through your sister that you were on a break as it was. Rory was astute enough to point out that you have to tell a person to consider it a break up.
Then she went and got drunk. She was an angry drunk which I loved. The bartender was trying to get her to eat and her response was "YOU eat something..." She ran into Doyle, freshly kicked out of Paris' - they broke up too.
Rory drunk = amusing. Rory drunk with Doyle=funny.
In the end, Paris took Rory back in and she and Logan seem to really be broken up now.
So an uneven episode in my book. Bring us more drunken Doyle, less drunken Logan.